A message from CMBA:
With the recent announcement from our Provincial Government this past week, there have been some changes that have directly affected CMBA and our Fall program. As most of you know, gymnasium rentals are at a premium due to the City of Calgary not allowing gym rentals. CMBA has done a great job in securing private facilities across the city to allow the associations to have a modified season. Since the government announcement, we have received information directly from most of these facilities informing us of their new protocols that they plan on implementing. The common theme of these protocols are requiring anyone over the age of 12 that enters the building will need to show proof of vaccination before they will be let in.
Each facility has specific protocols that we must follow.
CMBA is committed to keeping our members informed of the ongoing changes. In the next 48 hours, CMBA website will have a drop-down button on the home page of all of our rented venues. As a member, you can click on each venue and there specific protocols for that gymnasium will be attached. If any of the gymnasiums do not have additional protocol rules, there will be a standard message stating that gymnasium requires everyone to follow Alberta Health Services protocols.
Our organization felt it was important to inform all of our athletes who are participating in CMBA this Fall of these potential restrictions as teams will be playing all over the city in different venues. It is also important to note that CMBA will not alter schedules or make changes based on teams and restrictions. For example, there may be cases where certain teams or divisions may play the entire season in a venue that has more restrictions than others.
Thanks in advance for your understanding. CMBA is committed to trying to keep these athletes on the court during these unprecedented times.