Player Evaluation Policy

Player Evaluation Policy



This Policy describes how Bow River South Basketball aims to deliver its Player Evaluation Program, particularly its governing process, tools, and general methodology around player placement.



 Bow River South Basketball’s Evaluation Program commits to the True Sports Principles.

1) Go for it - Rise to the challenge - always strive for excellence

2) Be Fair - Evaluate honestly and objectively

3) Respect Others - Show respect for everyone involved

4) Keep it Fun - Find the joy of sport - keep a positive attitude

5) Stay Healthy - Place physical and mental health above all other considerations

6) Include Everyone - Share sport with others. Ensure everyone participates

7) Give back - Find ways to show your appreciation to others


 Governing Aspects

1) A minimum of 2 evaluation sessions will be held for each Age Group.

2) Wherever possible, the same evaluators will evaluate throughout their sessions.

3) Coaches cannot assess the age group they plan to coach in.

4) Parents cannot assess their children.

5) Placement will be concluded before any coaching assignments are made.

6) In the case of disagreements, the Lead Evaluator will make the final decision.


Roles and Responsibilities


 Evaluation Coordinator

         - Provide Evaluation Process and Tools

         - Ensure Age Group Coordinators have the necessary tools/templates

                  - Parent/Player communication

                  - Player Evaluation templates

                  - Drill Sheets

                  - Pinnies and Supplies

                  - Ranking spreadsheet templates

         - Assist Age-Group Coordinators in recruiting evaluators

         - Assist Lead Evaluators in all cases

         - Physically be present in gymnasiums throughout the evaluation process


 Lead Evaluators

         - Responsible for executing the evaluation process

         - Prepare their evaluation support team

         - Collect and review session data

         - Assign subsequent session rosters

         - Confirm placement

         - Provide feedback for continuous improvement to the Evaluation Coordinator


Supporting Evaluators

         - Run their assigned station

         - Fill out the evaluation form

         - Support fellow evaluators

         - Encourage player participation, drive, and engagement

         - Provide feedback for continuous improvement to the Evaluation Coordinator


Age Group Coordinators

         - Communication with Parents / Players throughout the Evaluation process

         - Recruit the lead and support Evaluators for an Age Group other than their own.

         - Support their assigned Lead Evaluator and supporting Evaluation team.

         - Approve or Deny Accommodation Requests

         - Consult with their VP to confirm team coaches

         - Administer the registration & uniform sizing process

         - Set up teams and coaching staff in Ramp.


Director of Facilities 

         - Confirm Gymnasium booking and communicate with Age Group Coordinators



Bow River South Player Evaluation Process and associated Tools are documented and maintained in the Association’s Google Drive.


Player Placement

Player Placement Practice will be established to determine how players are placed on teams. Considerations will include:

         - Evaluation results of each session.

         - Player's primary position and team makeup balance (i.e., avoid a team full of guards)

          - Previous years' placement/play. Too close-to-call situations the 2nd-year player (if over a 1st-year) wins the tiebreaker.

          - If both players are in the same year of eligibility, the Lead Evaluator is the tiebreaker.



Accommodation requests will be reviewed under the following conditions:

         - Same-household/blended family situations.

         - Requests must be submitted by email to the Age Group Coordinator before the start of Evaluations.

Age Group Coordinators are the decision-makers. Approval will only be given if siblings end up placed two (or fewer) levels apart. In all cases, the higher-ranked sibling must move down.

Special considerations will be in place for:

         - players with severe mental/physical conditions requiring “play down.”

         - exposing younger kids to the game (e.g. incoming U11/13 girls with little basketball experience who want to play with their friends on lower-ranked teams.


Dispute Resolution

A Player Placement Dispute Resolution Practice will be in place. Upon completion of the Evaluation Process and subsequent Team Placement, parent(s) can trigger a dispute to the Executive Committee.

         - Disputes must be submitted within 14 days of initial team placement notification

         - Upon dispute submission, all disputes trigger a minimum 14-day review window, during which:

                 - The Player will be disqualified from practice and gameplay.

                 - Information gathered throughout the evaluation process will be reviewed

                 - Age Group Evaluators may be consulted and asked for feedback

                 - Previous years' placement/play (if available) will be considered

         - Decisions by the Executive Committee are final.


Policy Review Period

This Policy will go through a review process at least once every two years.


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